Patient Stories

Charlie’s story

Charlie had cataracts in both eyes, making his job in construction extremely dangerous.

Five years ago, Charlie developed cataracts in both eyes. Once outgoing and energetic, he became a shadow of his former self, ashamed and guilty that he could no longer take care of his family.

While his wife shouldered his responsibilities at home, Charlie had no choice but to keep working in his job in construction, risking terrible injury, and even death, every day.

Charlie’s story could have ended very differently. But thanks to a Kiwi just like you, an Outreach team of eye doctors were able to perform a 20-minute surgery to restore his sight.

When the bandages first came off, Charlie was disoriented by the sudden flood of colour and light. Then, once his eyes adjusted, he became a different man. He chatted away, smiling and laughing, full of excitement at seeing the world again.

“I feel amazing! My family is so happy. They are preparing a big celebration. I want to thank the people of New Zealand who helped me. May blessings be upon you and your family!”

An estimated 9 out of 10 people who are blind don’t need to be. They simply need access to eye care.

We work to end avoidable blindness in the Pacific by making sure everyone has access to the eye care they so desperately need — even those living in remote and isolated areas.

Fred said that as human beings we must do things to help each other.

Please send a gift today to help return sight to more people like Charlie.


To help Fred's work live on.

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